Governors / Llywodraethwyr
Adroddiad / Report 2023-24
Corff Llywodraethol Trimsaran Governing Body
| Dyddiad Gorffen/Expiry Date |
Pennaeth / Headteacher: Mr Steffan Jones
Cynrychiolydd AALl / LEA Representative: Ms M. Arthur Cyngh/Cllr. Mrs K. Broom (Cadeirydd/Chair) Mr R. Sully
31.08.2026 03.09.2025 03.11.2027 |
Llywodraethwr Cymunedol Ychwanegol / Additional Community Governor: Cyngh/Cllr. Mrs A. Davies
26.06.2027 |
Cynrychiolwyr Rhieni / Parent Representatives: Mrs A. Daniels Mrs G. Davies Mr I. Jones Mrs H. Raine-Diplock (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
22.03.2026 25.05.2026 06.03.2027 23.11.2025 |
Llywodraethwyr Cymunedol / Community Governors: Mr R. John-Howes Ms A. Nobel Mrs G. Nicholas
28.03.2026 06.03.2028 30.09.2025 |
Cynrychiolydd Staff / Staff Representative: Mrs C. Emanuel-Evans
18.05.2026 |
Cynrychiolydd Athro / Teacher Representative: Miss C. Roberts
19.11.2025 |
Clerc i’r Corff Llywodraethol / Clerk to the Governing Body: Lynne Bridgewater