Attendance / Presenoldeb
Presenoldeb / Attendance
Mae presenoldeb a phrydlondeb yn holl bwysig i addysg plentyn. Rydym yn cydweithio’n agos gyda’r awdurdod er mwyn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn mynychu’r ysgol yn ddyddiol.
Cofiwch mae presenoldeb o 95% ac uwch sydd yn dderbyniol gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Mae’n ofynnol bod yr ysgol yn cyfeirio unrhyw blentyn sydd â presenoldeb o dan 85% (absenol parhaus) at Swyddog Lles Addysg yr Awdurdod Lleol.
Pan fo’ch plentyn yn absennol, cysylltwch â’r ysgol cyn 9:15.
Gwerthfawrogwn eich cydweithrediad ar mater hwn er mwyn sicrhau bod eich plentyn yn mynychu’r ysgol.
Attendance and punctuality is extremely important to a childs education. We work closely with the authority to ensure that all children attend school daily.
Please remember that only attendance of 95% and above is considered acceptable by the Welsh Government.
It is statutory that will refer any child whose attendance falls to 85% or lower (persistent absentee) to the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Officer.
When it’s necessary for your child to be absent from school please contact us before 9:15 on the first day of absence to report it.
We very much appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child attends school regularly and on time.
O dan 80% Below 80% |
80 – 89% |
90 – 94% |
95 – 99% |
100% |
Isel Iawn Very Poor |
Isel Poor |
Annigonol Unsatisfactory |
Da Good |
Rhagorol Excellent |